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Where are you going,Gilgamesh? The immortality you seek you will not find. When the gods created man, the allotted death, Keeping immortality for themselves. Eat and drink, Gilgamesh; dance, be merry, Bathe in clear wather and put on fresh clothes; Cherish the little child that holds your hand; And let your wife find love in your bosom; For these are the joys of mankind.

你往哪里去,基加美修? 你要找的长生术永远不会找到。 众神造人之时已经安排了死亡, 只把永生留给他们自己。 吃吧,喝吧,基加美修,跳吧,快乐吧, 沐浴清水中,换上新衣裳; 疼爱你的孩子,牵着他的小手, 让妻子靠在你爱情的胸膛上。 因为,只有这些 才是属于你们人类的幸福。

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